Sunday Celebration 03/15/2020

Sunday Celebration 03/15/2019 WELCOME & INVOCATIONAFFIRMATION CHORUS: “IN THIS PLACE”SING AND CELEBRATE:“WHO YOU SAY I AM” “RESURRECTION POWER” “DO IT AGAIN”TODAY’S SCRIPTURE: Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no needto fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you...

Sunday Celebration 01/05/2020

Sunday Celebration 01/05/2019 WELCOME & INVOCATIONAFFIRMATION CHORUS: “IN THIS PLACE”SING AND CELEBRATE:“WHO YOU SAY I AM”“10,000 REASONS”“GOD IS HERE”TODAY’S SCRIPTURE:Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.PSALMS 119:105For this reason I, Paul, the...

Christmas Eve 2019

OPENING special music: HOPE HAS HANDS            PASTOR RANDY Eddy-McCain & TAMMY HAND PHILLIPS OPENING GREETINGlighting of the christ candle CONGREGATION SING:            JOY TO THE WORLDVerse 1:         Joy to the World, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her...

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