Our Mission

We at Open door want to provide a community that proclaims the inclusive, loving message of our Savior Jesus Christ.

And this is why:

Too many times today the Evangelical churches are seen as hate groups. Their songs speak of war, their sermons sound hateful and judgmental, and their atmosphere is exclusionary. We at Open door want to provide a community that proclaims the inclusive, loving message of our Savior Jesus Christ.

We are traditional in our Christ doctrine yet we believe that the Christian message of grace has been perverted by many. Our mission as a church is to be bridge builders. We want to love unconditionally, to resist the temptation to judge harshly and to stand with the outcast. We believe that Christ’s vision for the church is one of diversity.

Therefore there are many in our congregation, who have felt rejected while attending other Evangelical churches, yet they feel love and acceptance here at Open Door Community Church. All are welcome to be a part of our faith community regardless of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation or race.

We as a church do not want to erect walls to keep out certain people that add texture and clarity to the grace message. ‘Whosoever will’, may come or else we desecrate the name of the one who founded our faith, Jesus Christ. We believe this is the cutting edge Christian doctrine for the 21st century but it is no different than the teachings of Christ 2000 years ago.

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Open Door Community Church
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